12 most effective ways to use honey for beauty and youth.
Honey is one of the most popular natural products in cosmetology. Due to its composition rich in vitamins and microelements, it is often called a real beauty pantry. Honey contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, BC, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, carotene, iron. Thanks to its ability to penetrate deeply into the pores, it nourishes the skin remarkably and prevents moisture from evaporating, thereby giving the face freshness and restoring the skin’s water balance.
Honey has an antimicrobial effect to fight bacteria, acts on already formed acne and prevents the emergence of new ones. Apply pure liquid honey to acne accumulation sites and leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Honey has the ability to discolor the skin, so it is actively used to lighten scars and post-acne. Apply some honey directly on the scars for the night and wash off in the morning. This should be done daily for a noticeable effect.
Honey nourishes the skin, prevents the evaporation of moisture, creates a feeling of moisture. In case of excessive dryness and peeling, make masks of honey and sour cream or cream before going to bed.
Hair conditioner
The moisturizing properties of honey are great for hair care. To prepare the conditioner, mix honey and yolk in equal proportions, apply over the entire length of clean, damp hair and rinse. To enhance the effect, hold on the hair for 30 minutes.
Hair Brightener
The brightening properties of honey are especially useful for blondes. Take 2.5 tablespoons of honey, cinnamon, hair conditioner and olive oil. Mix to a uniform consistency, apply to clean damp hair, wrap them in polyethylene and warm with a hairdryer. Hold the mask on the hair for about 4-5 hours, rinse with water.
Honey epilation is one of the most ancient ways to remove excess hair. Mix 1.5 cups of liquid honey and sugar and the juice of one ripe lemon. Put the mixture on the fire and boil until bubbles appear on the surface and the sugar dissolves. Cool the mixture to a comfortable temperature. With a wooden spatula, apply honey to the desired area of skin, cover with a cotton cloth and smooth with strong movements. Stretch the skin around the fabric, keeping it in this position, with a sharp precise movement, remove the fabric. After the procedure, do not wash your skin with soap and do not use lotions. Honey will moisturize the skin enough.
Honey stimulates cell renewal, reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The enzymes that are included in its composition stimulate the production of collagen, which makes its skin more elastic. To maintain the skin in tone, every day you need to eat 1 tablespoon of natural honey.
"GOLD" Manuka Honey (formerly MGO™ 400+)
Honey Mask with Egg White
Wrinkles are best fought honey mask with egg white. One protein is whipped with a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of any flour. It turns out the mass, the consistency of a mess. It is applied to a pre-cleansed face for 15 minutes.
Honey mask with lemon
For dry skin, beauticians recommend making honey masks with lemon juice.
100 grams of honey is mixed with the juice of one small lemon and applied to the face for 5-10 minutes. This mask nourishes the skin of the face and makes it velvety.
Mask of honey and herbs
Remarkably nourishes the face mask of honey and herbs. You can take: chamomile, nettle, mint, sage or plantain. They should be kneaded in a mortar to powder and add honey. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions. If the mass is too thick, add a few drops of boiled water at room temperature.
CAMMELLS Manuka Honey UMF 16+
Honey is ideal for the care of dry lips that are constantly peeling. And it can be used as a lip mask, and as a light scrub. Just brush your lips with honey, after 5-10 minutes a little massage them with your fingertips, then rinse and apply a nourishing balm.
Honey strengthens the nails and prevents dry cuticles. To grow beautiful long nails, several times a week, you need to rub honey into the cuticles, hold it as long as you can (the longer, the better), and rinse with water at room temperature. After that, apply on hands and nails nourishing cream.
Shave irritation
Honey is better than any lotion soothes the skin after shaving and prevents irritation. Immediately after depilation, apply a thin layer of liquid honey on the skin, wash it off after 10 minutes. Additionally, it is not necessary to moisturize the skin.
Bruises under the eyes
Honey helps to lighten dark circles under the eyes. To do this, you need liquid honey and fresh kefir. Mix the ingredients in equal quantities to the thickness of the gel and apply on the problem area for twenty minutes before bedtime. In the morning bruises will become less noticeable. The procedure must be done regularly.
Due to its antibacterial properties, honey helps to soothe irritated skin in eczema, rosacea and psoriasis. To do this, apply liquid honey to the damaged areas with a thin layer for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. In chronic skin diseases, Manuka honey helps best.